
the importance of lead generation


  • a second share-and-learn session was hosted, in which we discussed the concept of lead generation and BROEN's own digital marketing and lead generation journey
  • Broen’s journey has resulted in creating awareness, interaction, conversion and loyalty around the brand
In our industry, buying processes are often complex, with many people involved along the way in making the purchasing decision. Reason why, in a highly competitive market, it’s important to have your key information out there and easily accessible for anybody at all stages. Claus Albertsen, digital marketing & communications manager at BROEN, hosted a share and learn session on his lead generation insights and BROEN's digital marketing journey.

the importance of lead generation
Typically, in complex B2B buying processes 70% of such touchpoints are passed before a buyer contacts us as a potential supplier. In order to attract and hold on to new customers, this means having in place an optimised website, an active presence on social media and deploying tools to help identify, reach and engage potential customers.

using digital to generate leads
During this webinar, Claus described BROEN's lead generation journey. With a limited number of digital channels – the BROEN website and presence on LinkedIn – in place, Claus’s assignment was to maximise the benefits of digital. This, in order to boost the brand as offering highest quality and innovative valve technology, and in doing so, generate qualified leads for sales.

the online customer journey
"Up to 75% of B2B buyers use social media to support their purchasing decision. With that in mind, we took a closer look at the so-called online ‘customer journey’ and the 4 stages that are key to a customer’s purchasing decision: reach, act, convert and engage" Claus explains. "It’s a highly effective framework that can be applied by any business looking to create more and more qualified leads."

increasing reach and engagement
To increase reach, BROEN has become active on all social media channels, stimulating discussion on valve technology and acting as thought leader. Optimisation of the website provides inspiration, information and documentation on which leads can act, whereas conversion is facilitated with lead generation forms, page load times and advertising on social channels, as well as email marketing.

"We now take an active approach to engagement and customer loyalty" says Claus. "We regularly ask customers if they would recommend BROEN. Based on such customer insights, we can pinpoint clients with grudges and turn them into happy customers. For instance, by having the local sales rep contact them and see how we can deliver a better customer experience the next time round. Similarly, a new live chat function on four of the BROEN websites makes it easier to engage with our customers."
Claus Albertsen
any questions?
Claus Albertsen
digital marketing & communications manager at BROEN Valve Technologies

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